Our Quran Teachers

Sheikh Abder-rhman Tawfik Ibrahim

Sheikh Abdelrahman Tawfik Ibrahim saleh is an Imam. He was born in 1977. Shaykh has memorized the holy Quran with Tajweed and having Ijazah in ten reading. He graduated from faculty of Dar Al-uloom Cairo university, faculty of applied arts Helwan university. He has more than 15 years of experience in teaching Quran to arabs and eight years to non-Arabs.

Tution Fee

USD 10/Hour


HifdhulQuran Quran Reading Tajweed-ul-Quran

Teaching Experience

20 years

Student's Age Preference

Teenagers, Teenagers, Adults



Ustaza Shaima' Muhamad

Ustada Shaimaa Mohamed Kamel has memorized the holy Quran with Tajweed and have Ijazah in rewayat Hafs reading. She graduated from faculty of applied arts Helwan university. Ustada possess more than 10 years of experience in teaching Quran to Arabs and eight years and half to non-Arabs. Her expertise is Quran memorizing and recitation, Rules of tajweed and Qaeda Norania.

Tution Fee

USD 10/Hour


HifdhulQuran Islamic Studies for Kids Quran Reading Tajweed-ul-Quran

Teaching Experience

18 years

Student's Age Preference

Children, Teenagers, Adults

